September 22, 2023

Self-Care: Emotional

It is important that you look after yourself in every area of your life. However, we never really give any thought to this. I hope that these blogs therefore help you to stop and think about what you need to include in your life by way of self-care every day, every week, every month, or […]

Written by

Nicole Biggs

It is important that you look after yourself in every area of your life. However, we never really give any thought to this. I hope that these blogs therefore help you to stop and think about what you need to include in your life by way of self-care every day, every week, every month, or every so often.

We all need to feel emotionally good, for our mood to be generally positive. Emotional self-care is therefore vitally important.

What helps you to feel emotionally healthy and stable? Here are some ideas:

Connection with others – This can be as simple as spending quality time with friends and family; however, we often overlook just how important this is. We are often so busy with our lives that we do not stop to enjoy other people’s company. We all need connection with others to feel happy and secure. Make time for people. Stop multi-tasking or scrolling on your phone and concentrate on spending time with that person., This is a great gift to both you and the other person. Meet up with your friends, play with the kids in the garden, facetime your Aunt in Australia, go on a date with your partner. Life is short, and we never know when that person will no longer be there. Make the most of the time you have with others.

Boundaries – we all need to have boundaries. This is how we protect ourselves from the demands of other people and things. They help us to look after ourselves and prioritise ourselves. Work out what your boundaries are in every area of your life. What are you prepared to do, and not do? Stop feeling obliged to do things you do not want to do. Stop allowing people to take advantage of you. No more people pleasing. Honour and value yourself, and this will make others honour and value you.

Make yourself feel good – everyone has a love language, what makes us feel loved and valued. Work out what your love language is and start to do things for yourself that make you feel loved. Remember we may have one that we favour, but include things in every language to ensure that you feel totally loved and supported:

  • Words of affirmation – hearing people tell you that they love you, and the wonderful things about you. This is essential for self-care. Start to genuinely love and appreciate yourself, tell yourself what is great about you. Praise yourself for things that you have done well. Surround yourself with positivity, affirmations. Give people compliments and make their day.
  • Time – people spending time with you can make you feel good, so start to spend time on yourself. This could mean time spent looking after yourself like getting your nails done or going to the barbers. It could equally mean reading a book, a day out at the coast, going to the theatre or cinema, or a weekend away. These things are important as they give us things to look forward to. Doing things we love makes us feel great. Me time is so important.
  • Physical touch – hugs and kisses, holding hands. This may seem impossible to do for yourself but think about it. Taking the time to have a bath, and then lather on creams. Giving yourself a massage. Asking people for a hug. This could also mean time with children or animals.
  • Gifts – people buying you things makes you feel good. Buy yourself little treats.
  • Acts of service – people doing things for you makes you feel good. Try giving yourself a pampering session or making a special meal for yourself. It could also just mean doing a daily self-care routine like showering with a lovely smelling soap, drying yourself with a warm fluffy towel, putting on makeup, putting on aftershaves or perfumes, doing your hair.

Express and process your emotions – don’t bottle things up as they will explode at some point. Allow yourself the time and space to sit with your emotions and work out what is going on. We are entitled to feel the way we feel, there is nothing wrong with feeling the way you do. However, if you don’t like how you are feeling, work out why you feel that way and what you can do to make yourself feel another way. Take charge of your emotions, don’t let them explode uncontrollably.

Journaling – This is a great way to express and process emotions. Time with yourself to talk about whatever you want. To work through issues you are having, to get to the bottom of why you are feeling a certain way. Journaling is a great way to unburden yourself of thoughts and emotions.

For more information, or just a chat, please contact me on 07742 209312 or

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