February 01, 2024

Self Care: Spiritual

We often overlook our spirituality, but this is just as important as any other area of our lives. This is what makes us feel connected to the world and the universe. It is therefore essential that we maintain and nurture it.

Written by

Nicole Biggs

We often overlook our spirituality, but this is just as important as any other area of our lives. This is what makes us feel connected to the world and the universe. It is therefore essential that we maintain and nurture it.

Explore what spirituality means to you – when we think of spirituality we automatically think of religion. However, spirituality is much more than just religion. What do you believe in? We all need to have a feeling, sense, or belief in something bigger than ourselves. A cosmic, divine, underlying principle. This can often be hard to define, and we don’t often give any thought to it. Where do you find meaning? How do you feel connected? How should you live your life? Spirituality often gives a sense of belonging, understanding, comfort and a set of values or ethics. It may also have ceremonies to help us to deal with things and mark things.

Remember loved ones who have died – we tend to push our grief down. This can then lead to lots of issues physically, mentally, and emotionally. Take time out to remember people who you have lost, cherish the memories and things they have left behind. This will help you to feel more connected with your family and community. It also helps you to feel more grounded.

Spend time in nature – we all need to spend time with nature to feel grounded and connected with the earth. This can be camping in a field in the middle of nowhere to walking in your local park once a week. We are part of the planet earth, and it is important that we nurture that connection. Spending time in nature has been proven to calm people down. Spending time in nature often benefits us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is another of the things you can do to help in lots of area of your life.

Sing and dance – humans have always sung and danced. Our stories are told in songs and dances and our emotions are expressed. We are brought together through song and dance, either by singing songs about people with the same experiences and emotions as ourselves and by congregating to listen to songs, dance and sing. Singing and dancing can therefore often be very spiritual. Everyone should sing and dance more. Do not underestimate the power of belting out a song in the shower, or dancing around your lounge. Make a play list of songs to make you happy, one to relax with, and another for when you are feeling a nit low and emotional. In fact, you could make a play list for any mood.

Be grateful -this helps us to get out of our heads and notice things around us. It helps us to appreciate and cherish others and feel more connected. It is an instant boost of positivity.  These can be small things like the sun shined today and I had a clean shirt, to big things like I passed my exam. Try saying 3 things for which you are grateful before you go to bed each night.

Celebrate milestones – it is important to mark these times in our lives. It keeps us connected with ourselves and our communities and marks the passing of time and stages of life. You can mark them in any way you like but ensure that you do.

Contribute to or participate in causes that matter to you – this helps you to feel connected with something bigger than yourself. It helps you to feel that you make a difference and helps to give your life purpose. What matters to you in life?

Listen to inspiring music or podcasts or read inspiring books – this helps to uplift us, gives us drive and purpose. It helps us to feel like we belong to a community and connects us with like-minded people.

For more information, or just a chat, please contact me on 07742 209312 or nicole@greenoaktherapies.co.uk

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